Saturday, 13 July 2013

How POT belly Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease And Cancer

How POT belly Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease And Cancer,according to reaserchers in the US.

Having a pot belly increases your risk of heart disease and cancer more than 'bingo wings' or being generally overweight, say scientists. A 'spare tyre' - a typical indicator of fat around the organs - has been shown to be particularly dangerous because it's packed with 'bad fat'. 

U.S. researchers looked at over 3,000 people for up to seven years and found those with abnormal stomach fat were more likely to suffer the illnesses after accounting for clinical risk factors and general obesity. this was  published online in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, backs up previous research that excess stomach fat is more dangerous than fat elsewhere on the body.

People with too many pounds around the midriff have a greater risk of heart disease and cancer than those with a similar BMI (body mass index) who carry their fat in other areas of the body, said the researchers. Mortality rates and disease risk associated with excess body weight can vary among individuals with similar BMI.

They assessed fat in the stomach area, around the heart tissue, and around the aortic artery, in 3,086 participants from the Framingham Heart Study whose average age was 50 Each patient was assessed using a CT scan to identify areas of fat accumulation. Over the follow-up period they were assessed for heart disease, cancer and death risk while adjusting for standard risk factors. 

Many experts now want waist circumference or waist-to-hip ratio - which indicates levels of abdominal fat - adopted as a more accurate guide than BMI which relates weight to height.


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