Monday 15 July 2013


Body odour is an embarrassing problem and disgraceful disease,i guess after reading this you we all know what to do about it.

Although commercial chemicals and artificial-scent sprays may help to temporarily control body odor, they often don't address the underlying cause. You may want a more natural remedy to manage the problem and there are several natural remedies can help treat undesirable body odor and provide a fresher and cleaner scent. Understand some of the causes of body odor and discover some natural and highly effective approaches to treat this common problem.

What Are the Causes of Body Odor?
The human body has many systems that are constantly at work, and waste byproducts are simply part of that process. The digestive process results in waste, our skin sweats to excrete waste, and the cells in our bodies are constantly replacing themselves. Just as we take in food, we put out waste. Body odor often occurs when inadequate bathing or hygiene fail to properly clean up the 'messes' our bodies make.

In women, menstruation and stress often dramatically increases the degree of body odor. Yeast conditions such as candida can produce a beer-like smell since yeast can turn sugar into alcohol quickly within the body. Medical tests at Imperial College in London has shown that some people with body odor have ‘friendly bacteria’ imbalances.

Foods rich in the amino acid carnitine (found in beef and pork) are known to leave residues in the intestines which have to be worked on by the natural digestive flora. Specific enzymes known as flavin monooxygenases break the residues down to an odorless state ready for excretion.
Combating the Problem

Apply Natural, Aluminium Free Deodorants
Various herbal and crystal deodorants are marketed as all-natural and can effectively control your body odor. Crystal deodorants formulated from ammonium alum are especially popular. Scientists at the Argonne National Laboratory warn that there's no government regulations or rules regarding the use of the word "natural," and all products can be labeled as "natural." If you're wishing to avoid a specific chemical or ingredient, consult the natural deodorant's ingredient list to make sure it doesn't contain it.

Many deodorants and antiperspirants are made with aluminum in order to halt the perspiration of your sweat glands, and this aluminum is suspected of accumulating in the nervous system and ultimately contributing to nervous system disorders such as Alzheimer's disease. 

Remember that your armpits have an important health function in getting rid of toxins so it is important to keep them open and unclogged.

Wash Regularly
Bathing at least once a day can help limit the bacteria population on your skin, which is the source of most body odors, according to the Mayo Clinic. When washing, focus on traditionally troublesome areas like your feet and armpits. Dry your body well after washing since bacteria grow best on damp skin.

Spritz With Vinegar
Vinegar is a natural antiseptic and can help kill bacteria and fungi on the skin's surface, according to The Vinegar Institute. Spritzing white or apple cider vinegar on odorous areas, then wiping the area dry, can help to eliminate offensive smells.

Take Green Supplements
Add a wheat grass or chlorophyll supplement to your daily vitamin routine. Such supplements act as natural deodorizers and can help keep you smelling nice, according to Columbia University's Health Services.

Wear Clothing Made From Natural Fibres
Only wear natural-fiber clothing like silk or cotton, recommends the Mayo Clinic. The clinic says such fabrics allow for greater breathability and air flow on the skin surface to keep your skin drier and drive away the humidity and moisture in which odor-causing bacteria thrive.

Wipe With A Natural Sterilizer
Wipe your underarms and other smelly areas with tea tree oil or witch hazel. The former is a natural antiseptic, and the latter modifies your skin's pH to make it undesirable for bacteria, reports Columbia University's Health Services.

Consider A Detox
When body odor is indicative of a problem from within, detoxifying your body is the answer. There are a variety of cleansing routines that may be appropriate and regularly incorporating detox foods may help.

Change Your Diet
Some foods and spices may cause bad odors to exude through your pores after you eat them. This includes onions and garlic, as well as caffeinated drinks, according to the Mayo Clinic. Changing your diet to take out these items may improve your general body odor.



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