Friday, 26 July 2013

The boy with two heads

Scientist are discovery so many better things to make life more easier and enjoyable...right now there is hope for conjoined twin now, has scientist have come out to say they have better chance it can be separated.

A pair of conjoined twins have been born in India with two heads but just one body.

The boys' heads,  backbones nervous and systems are separate. The backbones are joined below the pelvis and they share a rib cage and shoulder girdle.

Doctors say they believe they can save the lives of the boys who were born in Jaipur, Rajasthan india , on Wednesday.

Dr. Sharma, medical superintendent of J.K. Lone Hospital, said that such cases are very rare, especially in boys and are known as Dicephalic Parapagus. He added that this is the first case in Rajasthan and second in India.

Most of the time, children that are Dicephalic Parapagus are born dead and, in the vast majority of cases, are girls, reports CBS. But doctors are hoping they can help the boy.

May God give these doctor the strength and ability to carry out this operation on this boy.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

How to Lose Your Belly Fat Quickly and Naturally

People with fat belly are most times not confident about their-self,and often they ask question  "how do I lose my belly fat? I've tried several things but nothing worked". If you can't lose your belly fat, you're using the wrong approach. You don't need endless sit-ups, supplements, starving yourself or worse surgery. Here are the 10 best ways to lose your belly fat .

Cut just 100 calories a day.
That's all you need to ditch to beat belly bulge, says Mehmet Oz, MD, author of YOU on a Diet: The Owner's Manual for Waist Management. Dropping this amount from your daily intake -- we're talking one cookie, a soda, or a glass of wine -- will help you lose about 12 pounds a year. And it's a cinch to stick to a plan that requires no actual dieting or deprivation.

Build muscle mass.
During a cardio workout, your body zaps hundreds of calories, but your metabolism slows down almost instantly when you stop. After strength training, on the other hand, you burn fat for hours. "Regular weight lifting can boost your metabolic rate by about 15 percent," says Tim Davis, director of personal training at Peak Performance, a gym in New York City. He recommends three 45- to 50-minute sessions a week.

Run from fat.
One of the most effective ways to reduce flab around your middle is to jog it off. "Hit the road for 30 to 60 minutes two to four times a week," Davis suggests. Steady running not your thing? "Interval training -- constantly switching up the pace of your workout -- will also help you lose weight, because it blasts more calories," Davis says. "Do two minutes of sprinting followed by a 60-second walk, then repeat for a half hour."

Eat good-for-you foods.
Your body is smart -- it knows when it's not getting any nutrients. So if you munch on processed foods like chips and doughnuts, you'll still be hungry, Dr. Oz says. The fix: Chow down regularly on fruits, vegetables, fish, low-fat dairy, and whole grains, says Keri Gans, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.

Have a high-protein breakfast.
Skip the sugary cereals. They're too easily digested, which means they speed through your system. "An egg-white omelet is a good choice," says Louis Aronne, MD, a clinical professor of medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College and director of the weight-control program at New York-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. If you're eating on the go, try unsweetened Greek yogurt with fruit and a dollop of honey or a piece of string cheese with whole-grain bread.

Don't skip meals.
That will only set you up to overeat. "Nosh on small portions every three to four hours to keep your metabolism running, so your body won't panic, go into starvation mode, and stop burning calories -- which is what happens when you haven't eaten in a while," Gans says.

Head off a freak-out.
Stress causes the body to start stockpiling fat in the gut. "Your system thinks a crisis is coming," Dr. Oz explains. "It deposits fat cells into the belly because it's the most convenient storage space." Chill out with yoga, meditation, or massage. If you're a stress eater, keep healthy snacks such as almonds on hand to prevent junk-food binges.

Get your shut-eye.
"Lack of sleep increases the likelihood you'll gain weight," Dr. Aronne says. "When you're tired, the hormones that stimulate appetite increase, while the hormones that help you feel full plummet." Aim for seven to eight hours a night.

Monday, 22 July 2013

He Was Banned From Seeing His Baby Because His Rash Could Have Killed Him(PHOTOS)

A father Tom Greenhalgh, 27, was not allowed to be in contact with his son Austin for two weeks because the rare condition could have killed the newborn baby.

Mr Greenhalgh, from Ilkeston, Nottingham, believes that he became infected by nervously scratching himself as wife Kerry - already two weeks overdue - went into labour.

His upper body and head were completely covered in painful, weeping sores after he picked up a severe form of the herpes virus.
Mr Greenhalgh, who already had sensitive skin and eczema, was told he probably contracted the virus from something like a door handle and transferred it to a raw patch on his body.

He felt fine as little Austin arrived at Nottingham City Hospital and went home to get some sleep.

But a few hours later he woke up to find his neck was inflamed and painful and the rash quickly spread to his chest and face to his hairline.

Mr Greenhalgh tried treating the outbreak with some of his normal eczema cream but sores started to quickly develop with a weeping clear fluid.

He covered the sores in bandaging but there was still no improvement so he went to the doctor the next day - just 24 hours after leaving the maternity unit.

The GP was so shocked he first thought he was facing a burns victim before prescribing some extra-strong cream which had little effect.

Two days later Mr Greenhalgh, by now in unbearable pain, took himself to the Queen's Medical Centre in Nottingham.

Monday, 15 July 2013


Body odour is an embarrassing problem and disgraceful disease,i guess after reading this you we all know what to do about it.

Although commercial chemicals and artificial-scent sprays may help to temporarily control body odor, they often don't address the underlying cause. You may want a more natural remedy to manage the problem and there are several natural remedies can help treat undesirable body odor and provide a fresher and cleaner scent. Understand some of the causes of body odor and discover some natural and highly effective approaches to treat this common problem.

What Are the Causes of Body Odor?
The human body has many systems that are constantly at work, and waste byproducts are simply part of that process. The digestive process results in waste, our skin sweats to excrete waste, and the cells in our bodies are constantly replacing themselves. Just as we take in food, we put out waste. Body odor often occurs when inadequate bathing or hygiene fail to properly clean up the 'messes' our bodies make.

In women, menstruation and stress often dramatically increases the degree of body odor. Yeast conditions such as candida can produce a beer-like smell since yeast can turn sugar into alcohol quickly within the body. Medical tests at Imperial College in London has shown that some people with body odor have ‘friendly bacteria’ imbalances.

Foods rich in the amino acid carnitine (found in beef and pork) are known to leave residues in the intestines which have to be worked on by the natural digestive flora. Specific enzymes known as flavin monooxygenases break the residues down to an odorless state ready for excretion.
Combating the Problem

Apply Natural, Aluminium Free Deodorants
Various herbal and crystal deodorants are marketed as all-natural and can effectively control your body odor. Crystal deodorants formulated from ammonium alum are especially popular. Scientists at the Argonne National Laboratory warn that there's no government regulations or rules regarding the use of the word "natural," and all products can be labeled as "natural." If you're wishing to avoid a specific chemical or ingredient, consult the natural deodorant's ingredient list to make sure it doesn't contain it.

Many deodorants and antiperspirants are made with aluminum in order to halt the perspiration of your sweat glands, and this aluminum is suspected of accumulating in the nervous system and ultimately contributing to nervous system disorders such as Alzheimer's disease. 

Remember that your armpits have an important health function in getting rid of toxins so it is important to keep them open and unclogged.

Wash Regularly
Bathing at least once a day can help limit the bacteria population on your skin, which is the source of most body odors, according to the Mayo Clinic. When washing, focus on traditionally troublesome areas like your feet and armpits. Dry your body well after washing since bacteria grow best on damp skin.

Spritz With Vinegar
Vinegar is a natural antiseptic and can help kill bacteria and fungi on the skin's surface, according to The Vinegar Institute. Spritzing white or apple cider vinegar on odorous areas, then wiping the area dry, can help to eliminate offensive smells.

Take Green Supplements
Add a wheat grass or chlorophyll supplement to your daily vitamin routine. Such supplements act as natural deodorizers and can help keep you smelling nice, according to Columbia University's Health Services.

Wear Clothing Made From Natural Fibres
Only wear natural-fiber clothing like silk or cotton, recommends the Mayo Clinic. The clinic says such fabrics allow for greater breathability and air flow on the skin surface to keep your skin drier and drive away the humidity and moisture in which odor-causing bacteria thrive.

Wipe With A Natural Sterilizer
Wipe your underarms and other smelly areas with tea tree oil or witch hazel. The former is a natural antiseptic, and the latter modifies your skin's pH to make it undesirable for bacteria, reports Columbia University's Health Services.

Consider A Detox
When body odor is indicative of a problem from within, detoxifying your body is the answer. There are a variety of cleansing routines that may be appropriate and regularly incorporating detox foods may help.

Change Your Diet
Some foods and spices may cause bad odors to exude through your pores after you eat them. This includes onions and garlic, as well as caffeinated drinks, according to the Mayo Clinic. Changing your diet to take out these items may improve your general body odor.


ANTI-AGEING:Allow SNAILS crawl across your face

Scientist are growing by the day with their researched work,they just discover the cheapest form to make you look very young,,,,,the ladies we be so happy about this new development or researched work.

They have long been regarded as a nuisance in the garden but it seems that snails could be more friend than foe when it comes to anti-ageing. 

A revolutionary new facial that involves allowing live snails to slither across the complexion has been hailed the next big thing in beauty thanks to the glow-boosting properties of snail mucus. 

The mucus, which contains a mix of powerful proteins, antioxidants and hyularonic acid, is said to help skin retain moisture, soothe inflammation and remove dead skin.


Sunday, 14 July 2013

Health Benefit Of Drinking Your Urine daily And More

This meant sound so disgusting by your urine meant just be want you need to cure that deadly diseases in you body system.

Any negative effects from drinking your own urine 

 Apparently, you shouldn't drink your own wee unless you are a vegetarian or vegan who abstains from drugs (meat-eaters produce urine with high levels of potentially harmful urea, which allegedly tastes disgusting).

Isn't urine just a waste product 

Not entirely. Urine, which consists almost entirely of water, is completely sterile when it leaves the body. Its chief waste product is urea, a substance formed from the breakdown of proteins. It also contains minute quantities of various chemicals, such as amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and minerals.

Are there any health benefits 

Well, auto-urine therapy, as it's known, is said to boost the immune system, cure migraines and other chronic conditions, stave off a cold and work wonders on eyesight problems. It's claimed that it can work wonders on skin conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis. You can apply it directly for athlete's foot, bee stings and jellyfish stings. And you can gargle it for toothache and gum disease. However, drinking wee is particularly recommended for its anti-ageing properties.

How does that work 

One simply drinks the mid-stream part of the first wee of the morning to retain one's youthful looks.

Would your GP recommend it 

As you might expect, the orthodox medical profession is extremely sceptical. However, drinking one's own urine has been relatively common in India for centuries, and the Greeks and Romans favoured it for all sorts of ailments.

Is there any evidence that it works 

There was some research in the early 1990s at the University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, which showed that urine is a cure for jet lag because it contains the hormone melatonin. Drunk first thing in the morning, it can, claim the researchers, calm and refresh the system, creating for patients the illusion that they have just had a good night's sleep.

Isn't it an acquired taste 

Devotees claim that it doesn't taste as bad as you might imagine. Early morning urine tastes somewhat salty and bitter, but as the day goes on, it becomes almost tasteless. You can mix it with fruit juice until you get used to the flavour.

Does anyone admit to drinking it 

The actress Sarah Miles is famous for it, as was the author J.D. Salinger. Most people keep quiet...

Saturday, 13 July 2013

How POT belly Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease And Cancer

How POT belly Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease And Cancer,according to reaserchers in the US.

Having a pot belly increases your risk of heart disease and cancer more than 'bingo wings' or being generally overweight, say scientists. A 'spare tyre' - a typical indicator of fat around the organs - has been shown to be particularly dangerous because it's packed with 'bad fat'. 

U.S. researchers looked at over 3,000 people for up to seven years and found those with abnormal stomach fat were more likely to suffer the illnesses after accounting for clinical risk factors and general obesity. this was  published online in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, backs up previous research that excess stomach fat is more dangerous than fat elsewhere on the body.

People with too many pounds around the midriff have a greater risk of heart disease and cancer than those with a similar BMI (body mass index) who carry their fat in other areas of the body, said the researchers. Mortality rates and disease risk associated with excess body weight can vary among individuals with similar BMI.

They assessed fat in the stomach area, around the heart tissue, and around the aortic artery, in 3,086 participants from the Framingham Heart Study whose average age was 50 Each patient was assessed using a CT scan to identify areas of fat accumulation. Over the follow-up period they were assessed for heart disease, cancer and death risk while adjusting for standard risk factors. 

Many experts now want waist circumference or waist-to-hip ratio - which indicates levels of abdominal fat - adopted as a more accurate guide than BMI which relates weight to height.

Taking omega-3 fish oil supplements may increase the risk of prostate cancer

I don't really know what the world is turning into,at 1st it was advise to be used and now this same scientist that came up with the idea are also right now going against it.our world is changing very fast.

Fish-oil supplements credited with a range of health benefits could trigger prostate cancer. Experts found that omega-3 fatty acids may raise the risk of the most lethal form of the disease by more than 70 per cent.

Doctors have strongly  warned against omega-3 pills, and recommended eating just one or two meals of oily fish per week. Fish-oil supplements are said to protect against heart attacks and strokes, stave off arthritis, boost brain power and prevent behaviour disorders in children.

 Scientists found that those with the highest levels of omega-3 in their blood were 71 per cent more likely to develop fast-growing, hard-to-treat prostate tumours. They were also more likely to contract the slower, less deadly form of the disease, with the overall prostate cancer risk raised by 43 per cent.

It was also reported that using this food supplement could change  but omega-3 may restrict the immune system, or damage our DNA.It is unclear how fish oil could trigger tumours.

 It is also unclear if it helps tumours to grow and spread. The finding came amid a wider research project of more than 2,000 men, examining whether supplements of vitamin E and the mineral selenium can help prevent prostate cancer – the most common cancer in British men, killing more than 10,000. 

Selenium provided no benefit, and vitamin E increased the odds of contracting the disease. Dr Kristal said: ‘As we do more and more of these studies – and I have been involved in them most of my career – we find high doses of supplements have no effect or increase the risk of the disease you are trying to prevent. ‘There is not really a single example of where taking a supplement lowers chronic disease risk. 

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