Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Men Are 20 TIMES More Likely To Die During Exercise Than Woman(SEE HOW)

Men are 20 times more likely to experience sudden cardiac d--th during exercise than women, new research has revealed.

For every one million male athletes, 10 will suffer sudden cardiac death.

In contrast, among female athletes, there is only one death for every two million people.

Medical Daily reports that the researchers, from Paris Descartes University, studied people taking part in moderate to vigorous exercise and that they primarily focused on cycling, jogging and swimming.

They included in their figures deaths that occurred within an hour of the person stopping exercising.

They were interested in people who had suffered sudden cardiac death – which occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating.

This is different to a heart attack, which is the name given to the condition where the blood flow to the heart becomes blocked.

In contrast, sudden cardiac death occurs when the electrical impulses that control the heart’s beat fail.

The researchers found that men were most likely to die while cycling - for every one million male cyclists, 6.6 suffered sudden cardiac d--th.


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